Multi-Engine Rating

Enrollment Requirements (Pre-requisites), an applicant must:

  • Hold a Private Pilot Licence or higher
  • Be a Canadian citizen or a person admitted into Canada to undertake flight training.
  • Be able to read, write, and speak in English, without assistance.
  • Have acquired a minimum of 50 hours of cross-country flight time as pilot-in-command
  • Have 40 hours total instrument time
  • Have one dual cross-country flight under simulated or actual IMC conditions of a minimum of 100
    nautical miles, the flight to be conducted in accordance with an IFR flight plan to include, at two different locations, an instrument approach to minima.
  • A Current Medical is required for the flight test.
  • Have obtained a pass on the Instrument Rating (INRAT) exam.


  • Allows a pilot to fly an aircraft with more than one engine.

Applicants shall complete a flight test to the standard outlined in the Flight Test Standards by Transport Canada.